Domain & Hosting
If you are establishing your new business, in start-up phase and don’t have a website yet, you need to register your domain name first. Choosing a domain is quite exciting. Once you have your idea, business model, business plan all figured out, the next most exciting thing is choosing a domain for your website. We’ve all been through this exciting time and it is quite a motivation to get your name in place. It will provide legitimacy and motivation to keep you going. Get your idea down to a domain name.
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If your name is available, you can register and book your domain from the CN Global.You will need to have the following information to register your domain. CN Global will do the rest.
- Physical address
- Contact information
If you have already registered your domain with a different provider, we will just need to direct the website to your domain after it is completed.
If you are an existing business and need to revamp your website or do a new one, we can still direct the site to your existing domain, after completion.

Hosting is basically the process of using a server to host your website. It stores web server software and the website’s files to be accessed on the internet. WebMobs hosting allocates space on web servers to host website files.
The bandwidth and disk space you need for hosting will depend on the amount of files and content you have on your website. The WebMob team will guide and advise on the amount of space which is needed.
The subscription plans have different space (GB) allocated for hosting. You can choose which package will suit your website.
Note – The hosting service is a definite requirement to be obtained from CN Global. You cannot use a third party hosting provider.
The disk space will depend on the type of website you need. If it is a basic information website the space will be usually less than 1GB. If it is a video streaming website or a website with high traffic like social media, the space will be endless.
For a medium sized business a typical web page would be around 5-10MB of space. It is advised to be in the limit since the load time will depend on internet uses data packages as well. However, on the flip side, most businesses and websites understand the value of SEO and put in a significant amount of content / blogs / images / articles to increase organic traffic through the SEO process. We have seen hosting space being increased due to SEO.
Your hosting space might cost a bit, however the ROI which you will get on traffic, leads and sales will be greater with more content.