As an MSP in Australia, it’s obvious that to remain relevant with today’s intensifying competition, your services and offerings have to be up-to-date with the latest trends while being able to support and improve the latest tech-stacks.
The technology landscape is evolving at a rapid pace and with the rising adoption of cloud servers and Saas, managed service providers are challenged to be flexible enough to adjust fast to the changing needs of customers. The ever-increasing stores of sensitive data and information hosted on the cloud platforms ranging from AWS, Google Cloud to Azure coupled with an increase in overall IT infrastructure due to growing users being required to utilize information systems inadvertently opens up and spreads out the surface area for Cyber-Criminals.
Unfortunately, the countermeasures against such malicious actors on the internet have been lackluster and frequently overlooked, only to be brought to any serious attention by coverage of a publicized data breach, which in most cases are rarely disclosed to the general public. Humans, since the dawn of cybercrime, have been increasingly targeted as the weakest link in the defenses against Cybercriminals. And for good reason. For one, not everybody is savvy enough to take the suitable minimal measures and two, cybersecurity is a conversation left to the domain of “IT Experts” of companies, resulting in it’s best practices and protocols not commonly being discussed or educated among most employees.

Just like you wouldn’t have to have your own in-house infrastructure to help clients migrate to the cloud or create your own applications to help clients manage their workflows thanks to Cloud computing and Saas, it turns out that you can tap into the same Saas model to provide Highly Reliable and effective cybersecurity for your client’s infrastructure 365, 24/7.

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Leveraging the power of AI and Machine learning, powerful threat detection and reporting systems provided by INSOC, based on the NIST 800, mapped to the CIS20 Critical Security Controls enable you to monitor and take action on malicious activity in your client’s networks. Detect, Investigate, Respond & Report proactively 24/7 as opposed to only responding to complaints from clients. Utilizing Machine-learning, the solution is able to determine the false alerts from legitimate critical warnings with great effectiveness and speed.

This model while adding immense value to your clients, is highly profitable for you as a managed service provider in the long run. Strengthening your client’s cybersecurity and effectively preventing and controlling Phishing attacks, Ransomware, malicious viruses, worms, DDOS attacks etc. could potentially save them hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.

While this may admittedly seem like an advert for a particular solution, the whole purpose of this article is to educate MSP’s on one of the most effective, practical and lucrative turnkey options available in the market at the moment that they might be missing out on.
If improving your client’s cybersecurity Seems like something you would like to add to your MSP’s current offerings or if you’re simply curious, do drop an inquiry by filling out a form here or shoot an email to One of our qualified specialists will be happy to set up a friendly chat or a quick demo to walk you through the solution.
“The knock-on effect of a data breach can be devastating for a company. When customers start taking their business—and their money—elsewhere, that can be a real body blow.”
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